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recordings of Tap & transform recordings

We gather for a live tapping circle on the third Wednesday of the month, aiming to clear blocks on a particular theme.  We meet at 8pm UK time/ 3pm EST/ 12pm PST.


Please ensure you have watched the how to tap video before you join us (it's well worth the 9 minutes)



The dates for the next gatherings are:

Wed 22/01/25 the theme: "enoughness"

Wed 19/02/25 the theme: allowing pleasure, joy & celebration

Wed 19/03/25 the theme:

Meeting ID: 864 9324 187 -   Passcode: 001467

Latest Recording &  LIBRARY

Here you will find a library of tapping videos that you can join in with.  Tapping is a great way to reset the mindset, but also to release stress/anxiety.  It works by switching off the fight/flight/freeze/fawn response and allowing you to reconnect with the more relaxed and whole-feeling sense of self.

This is the most recent Tap and Transform video.

Theme: Christmas stress

If there's something you'd love to tap out, please email Claire and we can look to include it as a Tapping Circle theme.

Message on:

This video helps you let go of the addictive behaviours with sugar/carbs and also not approving of yourself. This topic can be deep and complex to treat, but some shifts will be experienced if you tap along.  Although this video was recorded before Christmas, it is relevant at any point in the year.

After the (Christmas) break, are you struggling to get back into a good routine or habit?  One that you have experienced as being GREAT for you? Then this video will help you through that resistance and back into alignment.

Feel like you can't even find 10 minutes in your day to do what feels good for you?  Tap along and shift your perspective towards more space and time.

Feeling like you're pushing and getting nowhere?  tap along and create a sense of expansiveness.

Tapping for self love and acceptance even when things don't feel good.

First Live Tapping Circle (March '24)

Here we explore some common ideas that block us from finding time for ourselves, we then go deeper with a live member's inner 3 yr old. Tap along and see what comes up for you and notice what you clear.

Self belief Tapping Circle (April '24)

Tap along and see what comes up for you and notice what you clear. Jot your SUDs (subjective unit of distress) score down, out of 10. Tap along even while we help Anna's 3 year old self settle around other peoples energies.  At the end we reaffirm a truth that "it IS OK to be me" through the energy system.

"Is what I offer worth it?" Tapping Circle (May '24)

Tap along and see what comes up for you and notice what you clear. Jot your SUDs (subjective unit of distress) score down, out of 10. Tap along with Anna, Annabelle and me to help you recognise your skills, capabilities, and the value in what you offer, as we shift from feeling unable, incapable to magnetic and radiant.

Letting Go; June's tapping circle


Does someone take you for granted, or did they hurt or betray you? Then this tapping video is for you.


Remember you only need to let go what you are ready to let go of; even if it's only the tension inside of you.

Letting go of an old identity: July 24


​We tune into who we are choosing to become, asking some questions to pin point where we are and tapping through the resistances. Finally, aligning with our 'future' self and letting them guide us.

Money blocks: August 24

We tune in and connect with what our relationship with money is like, how the blocks feel in the body, and how we perceive having enough and more than enough, compared to current situation.  This is the beginning of the exploration, but it will give you some 'meaty' information to tap with again and again.  Let me know how you get on!

Allowing flow: September 24

When we are in flow with life, it all feels lit up, easy and effortless. And when we're not in flow it can feel super hard work, or even stuck. This tapping (EFT) video will help you shift beyond your resistances and into flow once again. You can repeat as often as you need to.

Transforming lack of trust:October 24

Tune into where you feel doubt or lack of trust; in self, the universe or others. Tap to transform that, and then choose the trust/ faith/ belief.

Nov 2024

This month's Tap and Transform is about forgiveness; particularly self forgiveness. maybe you are someone who gives yourself a hard time for doing/not doing something...use that in this video to shift your energy, feelings and perspective. Pause as many times as you need to.

Dec 2024

This month is about Christmas stress.

What's your festive stress? You can either follow my 'not enough time' festive stress, or insert your own phrases. There's some beautiful realignment tap and breathe about 5 mins from the end.

Jan 2025

This month is about feeling Enough and it can affect many areas of our lives.  Tap along to start to clear this.




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