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How is this approach different?

It's very likely that you have already tried other approaches to deal with how you feel inside (and about yourself). Perhaps you may now be wondering about my approach; what makes this different or effective?

When the inner light has dimmed it's not usually fixable with diet/ lifestyle changes or with yoga or journaling alone.

You see, in our mid-life (40s/50s), there often comes a 'calling out' if you will. 

A crying out for an inner shift. 

A shift that makes us acknowledge, care for, and release all the old hurts from the challenging experiences of our lifetimes, and the limitations around who we think we are, what we think we are capable of and what we can offer the world.

But this isn't just an emotional and
mental de-cluttering

It's also an energetic one; and this energy is what weaves together all the different aspects of you.


And it's what connects you with your spirit, your soul, your radiance.


So what is needed is to 'spring clean' all of it together; the energy of the old emotions and limiting beliefs as they are stored in (and around) your body. All of this old energy is what's causing the sense of heaviness, feeling lost and wondering what's wrong with you.

It may sound like a daunting task, but really it's quite simple (and easy) if we approach it with these principles in mind:

Principle 1:  Compassionate connection

Uncomfortable feelings leave you not wanting to be with yourself and that creates a feeling of isolation inside and this keeps you stuck in overwhelm and confusion.


​When you connect with compassion, you start create a sense of safety which switches off the fight/ flight/ freeze/ fawn stress response and begins to allow a sense of space within the mind/ body.

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Principle 2:  Safe exploration

With a sense of safety within and around you, it is then possible to gently unpack and exploring the feelings and sensations that are part of your current experience.

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Principle 3:  Acceptance and release

By accepting the pain, the discord or conflict as it actually is for you, in your experience (the truth of how it feels), you allow the transformation (the release) of it into something else; if you keep refusing it/ pushing it away, it will linger and grow instead.

acceptance and release, freedom, life is joy again, pazzaz, happy, delighted, nourished, shining bright, flying free

Principle 4:  Resourced realignment

As you release and transform you allow a greater wisdom to arise. 

When in this space we can access even greater wisdom, care and emotional/ mental nourishment from other sources to fill your heart, mind and energy systems with vibrant, health giving energy.

resourced alignment, Source energy, soul purpose, soul alignement, healing, energy healing, feeling great, feeling joy, feeling happy, shining brightly

In summary

When we incorporate energy work with emotional and mental well-being work, we can create huge transformations within ourselves.  But alone we can get a little bogged down/ lost, because old stuck feelings are big and often intense. 


The healing journey is a tender journey, (and not an over night one) with a real and valid need for care and safety and the right support along the way. 

If you trust me to be your guide, your natural state will re-assert itself; feeling at ease within your body, feeling optimistic, and sometimes even inspired along the way, because transformation brings many highs of discovery, understanding and lightness.  These are the gifts!

​But right now you are probably still in need of some gentle soothing, yes?   Click here to receive an effective and simple tapping meditation to begin your healing journey.


Interested in knowing how you and I might work together? Want to know more, click here for info on what support packages there are.

Disclaimer:  Please note, that no diagnosis will be given and you are responsible for your own mental and physical health and you should contact your GP if a medical problem arises.  All information on this website is used at your own risk and no liability will be accepted for anyone using this website. Click here for full website terms of use.

© Copyright 2012-2024 by Claire Williams | Your Soul Energy all rights reserved.

Based in Halstead, Essex, UK

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