The most recent weekly reset video is posted here. The audio file is at the bottom of the page. Any information links will also be there.
Then, the videos below are descending in week numbers (i.e. the video below is the first Weekly Reset) So if you want a video from a few weeks ago scroll down towards the bottom of the page)
1st gathering; where you connect to the Divine and Mother Gaia. Then go through a gentle visualisation to lay down your burdens.
2nd weekly reset gathering. As always connecting to the Divine and Mother Gaia, then giving the chakras a clean and boost.
4rd Weekly Reset gathering; with a focus on embodiment and releasing tension to bring more light into the body, ending with a playful experience in the energy. 25/07/2023
In this weeks gathering we connect to heart energy (the embodied Divine) and then we do a gratitude practice; grab a pen and paper.
Today we connect with the body through the breath; releasing and relaxing. Then we ground and nourish and then reignite our connection to the Divine consciously. We take time in our sacred glade to wash away any dense energy and recharge within a special force-field of Divine Love. A gentle recharging session, bringing a higher awareness of your own energy field. 12/09/23
Connecting with the energies of the super full moon we go deep and release anything that has been holding us back, we reclaim our power together with responsibility and inner wisdom. 27/09/23
Very slow and gentle exploration of the body with the breath and the love of the Divine. 18/10/23
This meditation takes us on a journey of exploration into new places; to become embodied in Presence, to know the Divine in a different form. We ask: if life was not happening to us, but FOR us, what would it be showing us?
This week we cleanse our chakras and aura of stagnant fearful/agitated energy. We boost the chakras of possibility and probability; allowing for greater alignment.
This week we cleanse our chakras and aura of stagnant fearful/agitated energy. We boost the chakras of possibility and probability; allowing for greater alignment.
Connecting to the body and the organs of the body, infusing all with Light. Then bathing in the full moon energy and revitalising with Sun energy.
This week's meditation was about love and balance. We accessed deeper wisdom about the challenging energy we have been navigating in recent days particularly. We explored some sacred geometry shapes to get a feel for the shape that most supports us today, as we called our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies to balance within us. 14/2/24​
For a little scared geometry info click below:
This week a beautiful expansive meditation connecting to the intelligence of the body via a 'control panel' in the mind's-eye and we are then blessed with channeled teachings from Master Jesus.
Today was a Spring Equinox journey of releasing and planting, co-creating with the Divine and Sacred earth. Have a note book and pen handy.
We begin with a gentle 'rubbing out' of tensions, pressures, limitations. Then our guardian angels take us on a journey of activation and awareness. We then come back to the body, receiving nourishment and healing throughout, particularly becoming aware of the eyes, kidneys and womb space.
This meditation grounds and connects us as always. Then, in connection with the April full moon energies still present, we travel to the Great Pyramid in Egypt for intuition activation, all set to theta wave inducing music. 24/04/24
Music by Silencio Music https://www.silenciomusic.co.uk
We use the breath to connect with life force energy, ground the mind and bring healing through our hands into the body and chakras. We close with colours for peace, vibrancy and calm. Music by Silencio Music
Tonight's short meditation: we let go of energy that does not serve us and is not ours, and reconnect to our inner radiance. AA Michael cuts cords to continue the cleansing process.
Music by Silencio Music; a Theta beat, see more here: https://silenciomusic.co.uk/
This week's meditation (on a hot night!) was all about allowing the breath to roll like waves, bringing ease, before going on a little beach journey with a visit from a mystical sea creature.
Music by Silencio Music; a Theta beat, see more here: https://silenciomusic.co.uk/
An angelic journey to nourish and remind us of the love that we deserve, as resistances are released from our energy bodies. 17/07/24
​This is all about Light, and the power of Divine Light/ Source Light to nourish, clear, and harmonise the physical body (which of course affects the Light body and vice versa), as we ready ourselves for the Lionsgate portal pinnacle on 8/8/24. We work into each organ and gland to bring equilibrium and nourishment. It's deeply relaxing. Music by Silencio Music; a Theta beat, see more here: https://silenciomusic.co.uk/
A meditation with the Blue Moon of August to connect us with its radiance and enlivening energy, we journey to a grove and join the moon in the water. A deep restoration and balance of the feminine. 21/08/24
We take a guided river journey, connecting to flow and the Full moon of September. Meditation adapted from Maria Brophy's book "Empowered Women's Circle" 18/09/24
When we have old and stuck emotions clogging up our energy systems, it impacts the way we feel within the body. So today, we release all that is ready and replace it with the opposite; nourishing ourselves with Divine goodness. 09/10/24
This meditation is one of release, healing, expansion and light as we find peace within before expanding it out. 23/10/24
We breathe with the body, help it to physically relax before offering concerns up to the Divine before receiving the love, nourishment and Light that we need. 13/11/24
This meditation is one of release, healing, expansion and light as we find peace within before expanding it out. 23/10/24
Connecting to the pillar of light, allowing cleansing and nourishing before exploring the awareness of the doorway of abundance. music by Silencio Music- theta beats. 11/12/24
We begin with a beautiful column of white light that helps us to release tensions and stresses before we meet Goddess Isis. We play with our goals with the magic of manifestation energy before we dedicate some healing to others. It closes with messages from Goddess Isis. Music by Silencio 13/01/25
3rd Weekly Reset gathering; with a focus on connecting to heart energy.18/07/2023
Weekly reset with a difference as it's the Lionsgate Portal; with extra high frequency energy to help you embody who you really want to become. Some Chanting at the beginning to help clear blockages (please excuse my singing, but do join in...you'll feel better for it!) 8/8/23
This week was all about getting back in your body and noticing what your heart needs (and then receiving it!) 23/08/23
This week was all about getting back in your body and connecting to the equinox energies of light and dark, feminine and masculine. 21/09/23
Beautiful, gentle, soft and expansive as we connect with the quiet places within the head, heart and hara. 11/10/23
Alignment meditation 23/10/23
This weeks meditation takes us on a journey into dark cave waters to know and bring into ourselves aspects that we judge or separate ourselves from; with the guidance of Mary Magdalene and Goddess energy we reclaim these parts of ourselves and the gifts they contain. 15/11/23
This meditation takes us on a journey of exploration into new places; to become embodied in Presence, to know the Divine in a different form. We ask: if life was not happening to us, but FOR us, what would it be showing us?
Our last gathering of 2023, just in time for the Winter Solstice and Longest Night. We begin with a gentle gratitude practice giving thanks for what we received this year and move into a breath meditation practice of Light and Love teamed with Reiki and Quantum Touch for added nourishment. 20/12/23
This week we bring light to the body; bone to blood, re-invigorating and nourishing us. We then cleanse the lower levels of the aura, encompassing ourselves in a bubble as we journey to a temple in the heavens. 31/01/24
This week we spend time with a Fire Dragon; transmuting the lower energies and learning how to call upon the dragon to help us in a day to day way. 21/02/24
Today we journey to a peaceful open landscape and lean against an old oak tree and notice how our bodies lighten and ease, whilst we are serenaded by birds.
We connect with earth energies via a tree, soil and grass. We allow ourselves to receive healing energy as we release stagnant energy down into the earth to be transformed.
In this session we do a thorough energy cleanse, connecting and cleansing each of the 7 main chakras. We then ask the Reiki masters to balance the pairs of chakras for greatest harmony and we finish with waves of coloured healing energy specifically tailored for each of us individually, all set to theta wave inducing music. 17/04/24
Music by Silencio Music https://www.silenciomusic.co.uk
Tonight we connect with Life-force energy and the red/orange energy of the Hara to energise and enliven. We are also treated to the aligning and peaceful energies of the crystal Toumerite. Angels then place their healing 'hands' upon us and white light comes through our crown chakras. Then, for a further cleanse and boost Reiki Masters join our session and deliver healing directly to the head, heart and Hara for balance and wellness. To finish we 'try on' four sacred geometry shapes and sense the effects on our energy systems. Which one do you prefer? Music by Silencio Music https://www.silenciomusic.co.uk 08/05/24
Tonight we let go of energy that does not serve us and is not ours. We connect deeply with the Earth and her fiery energies, and reconnect with health in our cells. AA Michael cuts cords to continue the cleansing process before we play with colours to energise.
Music by Silencio Music; a Theta beat, see more here: https://silenciomusic.co.uk/
We rest into nature sounds and imagine a gentle space in the middle of a meadow, calling upon Mother Earth to restore and re-balance us. 12/06/24
Simple light filled meditation using a card from each of these decks: Tony Christie's Labyrinth Wisdom cards & Kyle Gray's Gateway of Light Activation cards The START card from the Labyrinth cards indicates confidence for a new way of being/living. The HATHOR LIGHT CODES card invites Light codes to enlighten our energy. Music by Silencio Music. 10/07/24
We connect to the radiance and light of Sun/Solar Energy and use it to boost the chakras and illuminate our energy bodies.24/07/24
Connecting to your dreams and desires to manifest them with the Higher Self, bringing the sensations through the chakras. 14/08/24
Celebrated with the Goddess of the Rose and her sisterhood, we decode what no longer serves and re-code with wisdom, empowerment, strength, feminine Grace. We journey to a beautiful Temple of Roses, where we are seated in a Challis chair to begin our healing, supported by beautiful music. 11/09/24
We receive a healing vortex from AA Raphael to cleanse our bodies and energies of anything that is not for our highest and best. An extremely soothing and gentle meditation. 25/09/24
Utilising the energies of the Super Full Moon of October, we release some stagnant or outdated beliefs and ideas, replacing them with Divine Love and Light. We then spend time with the energy and rays of the Full Moon and finish with AA Michael cutting cords. 16/10/24
As we draw towards a new moon, and the eve of Samhain (Halloween) Goddess Isis guides us in a journey of release and rebirth. 30/10/24
We connect with AA Micheal and other Archangels. AA Michael cuts cords and we remember the goodness we received over the year. Music by Silencio Music; a Theta beat, see more here: https://silenciomusic.co.uk/
First we cleanse out our overwhelmed heads and then embrace the magical light that is available to us at this time, we go on to share this goodness with the Earth, with those we love, with projects too. 18/12/24
We connect with the Violet Flame, and vortex energy to cleanse. Then set an intention for the month ahead, and for 2025. Then we feel the presence of tree energy, with wisdom shared before a chakra boost. Music by Silencio 29/01/25