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Move beyond feeling stuck or lost, and gently reconnect with your inner light; helping you to embrace and love your life once more.

Over the last 4/5 decades, you’ve experienced a lot, and right now, life feels really difficult;

You can’t seem to feel genuine happiness; it’s like a light has gone out inside, there’s no clarity, and a heaviness has settled in its place, sucking out the fun, happiness and inspiration.   

Why you can’t stay where you are


You’re running on auto-pilot; with no energy or enthusiasm, just getting life done.

And that inner monologue, that’s constantly telling you how you’re not good enough, just adds to the confusion and noise that’s already overwhelming you; that’s why you feel stuck and exhausted.  


Perhaps it’s all become so bad that you’ve stopped taking care of yourself properly and maybe you’re trying to soothe or numb it all out with food, alcohol or something else, leaving you feeling powerless to change anything.  But it doesn't have to be this way:

My highest hopes and intentions for you:

  • To soothe and settle your mind and body, switching off the stress response

  • Let go of the heavy and restrictive feelings

  • To feel lighter/ easier in yourself

  • Nourish your heart and spirit with compassion and care

  • Begin to get your ‘mojo’ back and feel happy again

  • Begin to reclaim your future

Who is this for?

  • Women who have experienced life’s challenges and feel lost.

  • Those who are open to understanding and caring more deeply for themselves.

  • Those open to accessing their spirituality.

Who is this not for?

  • Those who want a magic ‘bullet’; the healing needed at this time is not passive nor instant.

  • Those who are not prepared to give themselves the time and care needed.

  • Those who are unwilling to do the short ‘homework’ practices suggested between sessions.

Asking for help is hard

I know that you’re not a woman who asks for help easily; you’re independent and resourceful, and you’ve probably already tried to solve this yourself, researching and testing all sorts of possible solutions.  Maybe this included diet or lifestyle changes.


Possibly you’ve increased your awareness and understanding by listening to some podcasts or reading self help books by professional/inspirational people. Perhaps you’ve even had counselling or gone to the GP but though these things helped, they still don’t feel resolved.


All this can leave you feeling like no one has a solution for you, making you feel more isolated and powerless.


Although feeling the way you do is very uncomfortable, the truth is, it doesn’t mean that you’re broken or that there is something wrong with you.

​​Perhaps I could encourage you here,
with a shift in perspective?

Over the course of your life you have experienced so much; such as a difficult childhood, relationship break up, parental/ own divorce, bereavement, redundancy, abuse or career change etc.


And it’s likely that when you were going through those experiences, you didn’t have the time, space or resources to help you process it all. That’s often how life is; you get through the challenging times and then you carry on.


Now, you carry the emotional weight of those past experiences with you all the time. Unlike a big, old visible suitcase that you might trip over or bump into, this burden is more subtle and internal; it’s energetic in nature.


And it manifests as feelings, thoughts, and beliefs, revealing itself through your inner sensations and mindset. You feel as though your inner light has dimmed, and this is painful and challenging.


You have endured a lot and what’s needed now is compassion, gentleness and care; and some time to ‘unpack’.

You are complex and that’s ok


You, like all humans, are complex and there is a lot wrapped up inside of all those feelings and sensations (which I call ‘signposts’) and they signal things that need caring for, old unmet needs, which are often buried deep and are hard for us to spot alone. 


But, remember it is energy, and energy affects the mind, the body and the spirit.


Imagine that big old suitcase stuck in a funnel, creating pressure.

Similarly, your piled-up emotions, thoughts, and beliefs build up, leading to the overwhelming feelings you experience now; the old unprocessed energy has ‘clogged’ up your flow.

Now it’s time to heed the call to do the internal ‘work'.
It’s time to hear what has not yet been heard within you.

It’s time to create a deeply nourishing relationship with yourself.
It’s a call to heal.

And to do that, you have to compassionately ‘de-clutter’ that old energy, by unpacking that suitcase and beginning to reconnect with, and care for, all that has been packed away; feelings that felt unsafe to feel, self-judgements, limiting beliefs about who you are and your place in the world. Instead allow nourishment of your heart, mind and body.


This probably sounds daunting, but isn’t the thought of staying where you are worse?

Ready to take that first step for your well-being?

It does take a little courage, a willingness to explore, to release and to heal.


This journey will ask you to reveal yourself to yourself, and visit with the uncomfortable, in order to make peace with your past and who you are.

But within this are gifts of deep love and acceptance; a connection to the truly powerful person that you are.


Your self confidence will soar, your self-love will grow and your desire for life will fire up within. 

And your life will feel nourishing, joyful, inspiring again.

Who am I to guide you?


Though this internal journey can be done alone, unpacking and soothing the pain is more gentle, easy and faster when guided. 

And it feels safer to be held in it, than trying to figure it out alone. 


I understand; I went through it too.

Around 40, I felt lost and overwhelmed by difficult feelings and poor self-belief. Slowly, I made changes that helped me feel more aligned and happier.


I unpacked huge chunks of hurt and cared for what laid underneath.

I immersed myself in learning all I could, and trained in a variety of powerful transformational modalities, many of which work with the subconscious mind to release trauma and make lasting emotional and mental / behavioural change and make energetic shifts.


I worked with clients, witnessing and facilitating the transformative power of reconnecting with their inner light, gaining clarity, happiness, and fulfilment.

You may be wondering if this is actually possible for you. 

A previous client, Dylan had felt this too, he says:

“I was at first very nervous or sceptical to speak to someone about how my mental state was after struggling with simple day to day tasks which my brain couldn't process. 


I was over-thinking about silly things like what people thought of me or what they thought about how I looked and I felt that I wasn't good enough.  I then struggled to leave my house ... I'd felt like this since being a teenager and it was getting worse, sometimes I didn't want to be here anymore. 


 As soon as I met Claire I instantly felt like I could trust her and speak to her about anything without feeling judged (which was my biggest fear). 


Using techniques that I never would have thought about, she has helped me to truly feel happy and confident about myself again. 


Before meeting Claire I didn't want to talk to anyone about my mental state, how low or anxious I felt, but now I feel really great about life"- DM Sudbury

What does a session look like?

We begin by settling the mind and body with breath-work, grounding and connecting practices.


Then, most likely, we start to use tapping (EFT) to soothe the feelings that are coming up for you and switch of the stress response; this helps creates a mental shift and moves you into a resourceful state.  We work with what comes up as we progress through the different layers of feelings and beliefs.


The latter part of each session then moves to Energy Healing where you lay (fully clothed) on the couch, cosy with a blanket, while I channel healing energy to clear, balance and nourish your energy systems, this may involve touching the body or be ‘off-body’ working in your aura.


It is usual to feel lighter, though rather tired, after the first session. 

By the end of our fourth session you will be ready for the world again, feeling much more like you, with a renewed vitality and feeling happier.

​Reignite your Light is a short four session programme; an emergency measure, if you will.


The modalities that I incorporate include:

     Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT),

     Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP),

     Kinetic Shift and Hypnotherapy techniques,


which work with your subconscious mind, as well as Energy Healing modalities, such as Reiki and Quantum-Touch, which work with your energy system and the layers of your aura/ electromagnetic field.


All are intrinsically gentle and are effective at creating great transformation.


I want to reiterate this here; it’s important to work with the energy and the emotions etc. Energy is the basis of everything we are.

About the Programnme

"Claire is a fantastic healer; she has helped me move beyond life being a struggle and has guided me to be able to regain peace and ease.  Claire has a friendly, caring and non-judgemental approach to her practice which makes the process of healing very gentle and feel fully supportive. I highly recommend Claire Williams" Lauren.

Here's the logistics:

We work 1-to-1, either in person or on zoom.


Each of the 4 sessions lasts 2 hours* and can be spaced over 4 weeks or up 3 months.


The cost of this programme is £680, payments can be made by cash, card or BACS and payment plans are available.


*If you are a new client (or haven’t been to see me in the last 5 years) the first session takes 1 hour longer than normal and incorporates a thorough consultation.


To get the most out of this package, you will need to do the ‘homework’ in between the sessions.  Usually, this incorporates some tapping, or breathing practice as videos or MP3s that you use in moments of need.

Ready to book a call?

Reach out here and we can schedule a free no-commitment connection call; we both need to see if we’re a good fit, right?

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