The word Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy, which is a natural, abundant, healing energy.
A Reiki treatment is performed fully clothed and the recipient just relaxes, usually laying on a couch though is this is uncomfortable for you, Reiki can be done seated in a chair.
Reiki treats the whole person; mind, body and soul. I tend to work hands-off over the client's seven main chakras and then mix between hands-on and hands-off when working over the joints. I may also include the body's smaller chakras to help balance and align them.
Symbols are used when needed and I may also ask for light beings to join the healing; always for the highest and best. The overall feeling is of peace, wellbeing and restfulness. It's a lovely way to heal your spirit.
A Little History
The history begins with a look at the inscription on the memorial stone that was erected in 1927 in memory of Mikao Usui Sensei, founder of the Reiki healing system.
Mrs. Hawayo Takata (Takata Sensei) brought Reiki from Japan to the West in 1937 and continued to practice and teach until her passing in 1980. Because of her devotion, Reiki has been passed on to millions of people all over the world, and the numbers continue to grow!
Reiki was rediscovered in the mid 1800’s by a Japanese born Buddhist monk, Dr. Mikao Usui. While teaching in a college, Dr. Usui was asked by a student how Jesus facilitated the healing miracles that he performed. The question had planted a seed and set Dr. Usui out on the path to answer ‘that question’. Dr. Usui was determined to learn the secret healing so that he may help others and his journey took him to many countries.
During his journey Dr Usui travelled to the holy mountains of Kori Yama where he fasted and meditated for 21 days in order to attain a high altered state of consciousness which he believed would empower him with the healing energy. On the morning of the 21st day, Dr. Usui was beginning to become frustrated with his situation. As he was about to give up and leave, that a great spiritual energy came down into the top of his head and he became enlightened. The energy also bought with it Reiki Ryoho, which is the ability to heal.
Mrs Hawayo Takata was a Hawaiian woman of Japanese descent born in 1990. After the death of her husband and sister, she became sick and decided to travel to Japan in search of a doctor who could perform an operation which was deemed necessary in order for her good health to return. While in Japan, she felt strongly that the operation (for tumour, gallstones and appendicitis) would be unnecessary, and she inquired if there was any alternative way for her to be healed. The doctor referred her to Dr Hayashi’s clinic.
Mrs Takata began receiving regular weekly treatments. Over a period of several weeks, her health improved drastically. She was amazed and asked Dr Hayashi to teach her how to transmit reiki energies to others. He agreed to teach here Reiki I and II. After a year, Mrs Takata returned to Hawaii where she began to practice reiki. Two years later, she convinced Dr Hayashi to come visit her in Hawaii so he could see her reiki clinic, where he decided to initiate Mrs Takata into the second degree of reiki.
Mrs Takata began giving treatments and teaching level 1 and level 2 reiki students. In the 1970’s, she began training other reiki masters. By the time of her transition on December 11th 1980, Mrs Takata had trained 22 reiki masters. It is from these original masters that reiki had spread in the world outside of Japan.